Alpine Coaster Imst

the world's longest alpine roller coaster

Closed Currently open
FRI to SUN / 11.00 a.m. till 3.30 p.m.

When it comes to the Alpine Coaster in Imst, which is open all year round, it gets spectacular all the way: at an altitude of 1,550 meters, winterproof coaster pilots have to hold their breath and sharpen their senses. One last look back at the UAlm, release the brake lever and pick up speed. While the ride descends a full 500 meters in altitude, pulse and adrenaline soar to unimagined heights. No wonder: the rails of the coaster down the mountain are at a height of up to ten metres.

Mutter und Kind beim Alpine Coaster fahren im Winter in Hoch-Imst

Winter Coaster FUN

The dreamlike backdrop of the snow-covered winter scenery whizzes past you and snowflakes swirl around your red nose: Coaster rides are as much fun in the winter as they are in the summer. At the end of a fun day on the slopes or for a change from everyday life, it is great way to relax your (laughing) muscles during this special type of tobogganing.

Dates and Facts

Route length 3,535m
Altitude ofthe mountain station 1,500m
Altitude difference 500m
Riding time approx. 10-12 minutes
Highest spot 10m above the ground

Fahrt mit dem Alpine Coaster im Winter

the right clothes 

Hat and gloves on, ski goggles off: You can easily beat the chilly wind with warm winter clothing. Entry is also permitted with ski boots!

Alpine Coaster fahren

Alpine Coaster in the Summer

Are you already a real pro at winter coastering? Then experience the Alpine Coaster in the summer! But watch out: increased addiction potential and feelings of happiness that are hard to beat!

more information

further winter sports activities