become a part of our team

Jobs at the Imster Bergbahnen

We are looking for reinforcement for our team:


The Imster Bergbahnen and the Alpine Coaster Imst are currently looking for

Cleaner (m/f)

20 to 30 hours / week

Flexible working time models possible.

Unsolicited application

Send us your informative speculative application, we are always looking for new employees for our team!
for new employees to join our team!


Please send you application to...

  • Mr. Stefan Kropf
    by e-mail to
  • or by mail to the Imster Bergbahnen
    for the attention of Mr. Stefan Kropf
    Hoch Imst 19, 6460 Imst.

Remuneration is in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement for employees of the Austrian cableways. Readiness for overpayment depending on qualifications.